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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Caitlin Sellers Castevens

RTDM: Caitlin Sellers Castevens

Caitlin Sellers Castevens
Digital Strategist, Inbound Consultant, Podcaster, & Community Organizer
Charlotte, NC

We want to get to know you! Where you came from, where you've been and how you're living your dream?

I'm a native, 4th generation Charlottean. I've always been a lover of travel but didn't get out of the country until I was in college studying abroad. Putting myself through college and graduating during the recession gave me a fair sense of appreciation for the hustle and grind. My parents never lost an opportunity to teach me the value of a dollar and hard work. When I found myself working multiple and odd jobs to make ends meet, I began to seek opportunities to utilize my passion for community. I used the gift of gab and applied the knowledge of my experience blogging study abroad to help small business owners with their WordPress websites and social media presence. From there my business was born. Many entrepreneurs start in "corporate" and have to figure out a way to "fly the coop". My story was a little backwards. This required me to learn fast and adapt to new situations, technology, people, and challenges.

How do you define success?

I used to think of success in terms of finance. Now I define success as working with the right people on the right projects that align with my core values as well as with people who respect balance and boundaries.

What did it take to make your dream happen and when did you know you had arrived?

When people started seeking me out for advice, to pick my brain, to speak at networking events, to brainstorm and craft strategies. I knew when I was getting paid to do something I loved for a community I loved I was on the right path. Having the opportunity to be a community organizer for groups like Plaza Midwood Merchants (communications and co founder of the student entrepreneur summit), Levo League (leader), and Carolina Women in Tech (co-founder)- it humbled me to think what kind of impact I could make on so many peoples lives. Those moments after an event happens and people are buzzing about the experience, connections, and learnings they took away.

What are you most proud of? Go ahead, boast a little!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOT0nvkWiOk ; CarolinaWomeninTech.com ; LadyTechCharmers.com

What was your biggest obstacle/fear and what was your turning point?

The fear of not knowing the answers to things people considered me an expert for. My turning point was putting my ego aside and allowing myself to be vulnerable enough to know I am resourceful and could find the answer... and ADMIT I didn't know it all. Accepting square 1 with my personal life and balance has also been a game changer for me the past 6 months. I've been so head strong in my career, I lost sight of taking care of myself and my personal relationships.

What’s the best advice you’d give to a younger you?

Setting boundaries doesn't have to be a major confrontation. You don't have to tell people out right when you are setting a boundary with them. You act and they either adjust, or they don't. No everyone you meet and interact with HAS to like you.

How do you stay motivated and purposeful when you feel overwhelmed?

Taking a bath and giving myself the space to reset.

Tell us a time when a perceived failure was actually a blessing in disguise or served you in a surprising way.

Getting laid off twice in 24 months was a HUGE shift for me. Understanding how to fail forward and keep persisting versus falling flat on my face and wallowing in failure. Instead of getting wrapped up in the drama of loss, I was able to focus on the space it provided me to take the next steps on my career journey. There is a season for everything baby.

What is your favorite vice/guilty pleasure/strange habit? Come on now, we all have them!

I love hula hooping. I used to hula hoop quite a bit growing up and in college... speaking of which, I need to get that back out... it is great exercise!

What's the smartest investment you’ve made for yourself?

Becoming a HubSpot Agency Partner and committing to certifications, coaching, and continuous improvement on myself.

What’s MOST important to you right now?


Share 1-2 books you've given as gifts:

You're Not Lost by Maxie McCoy and They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan - I also really loved Lifeshocks by Sophie Sabbage

What have you learned to say no to?

Meetings & Events

What's something most people would never guess about you?

I used to swim competitively and would race anyone in butterfly or individual medley. BRING IT!

Who is a Risk Taker Dream Maker that's inspired you? Provide contact info and we'll reach out for their story!

Dr. Sharon Jones

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