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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Caitlin Culp

RTDM: Caitlin Culp

Caitlin Culp
Recruitment and Onboarding Specialist, Urban Teachers DC
Washington DC

We want to get to know you! Briefly tell us about yourself: Where you came from, where you've been and how you're living your dream?

I used to be obsessed with "living the dream" and "the dream" has changed so much over the years. I am constantly amazed by how the plans I made 3 years ago, 2 years ago, and even 6 months ago have played out. "The dream" used to be inside of a box and I now realize that "the dream," my dream, is ever-changing and ever-evolving. As a 25 year old young professional, I live in Washington DC in my cozy basement apartment. I attended college at a small liberal arts university in Charlotte, NC and stuck around there for a few months to work on the Clinton campaign in 2016. After the election, I spent time in my parents' new home in Texas (where most of my extended family also lives) before moving to DC. I am originally from Troy, OH and spent 17 years of my life there. Before Troy, I lived and was born in Kentucky. 25 years of life has shown me life in Kentucky, Ohio, Texas, North Carolina, and many places across the world during times spent studying abroad and traveling with a world peace promoting organization. As a young professional in DC, I actively work to live out my DC dream by doing "DC things" regularly, engaging in activism, and fighting for what I believe in. Understanding that each of these activities can take many forms has been part of the joy of living in the magical city of DC. I am looking forward to 2019 as most of my goals include community engagement, joining a nonprofit young professionals and women's professional organization, volunteering with a nonprofit who sets goals with folks who are experiencing homelessness through walking and running (this will also help me exercise more!), and being more politically active and aware.

How do you define success?

Success is happiness. Success is knowing you are doing your best. Success is watching those you love meet their goals and being just as excited for them as you are for yourself. Success is knowing yourself and then loving yourself in spite of and thanks to the fact that you have taken the time and energy to know your needs, your wants, your desires, and your worth. Success is different for everyone and unfair to compare your success with another person's success or another person's success with yours!

What did it take to make your dream happen and when did you know you had arrived?

My Dream: To move to DC and to impact the world and to speak Spanish while doing so. I made the move to DC after applying for about 25 jobs. I knew that I wanted to be in DC and knew I wanted to work at a nonprofit organization. So, I did everything that I could do to get here; I set up informational interviews with friends of friends of my parents, cold-emailed multiple people, worked with former Obama campaign staffers to meet with their connections in DC during the week of a career fair, looked for jobs on LinkedIn, cold-messaged random people on LinkedIn, connected with college professors, their children and their connections, and even broke out of "my dream" by forming relationships with people in Texas and applying for jobs there as I was living in Texas during my few months of unemployment post-campaign. I ended up receiving a job offer from a nonprofit in Arlington, VA after having an informational phone interview with the woman who ended up becoming my supervisor...a woman who had moved to DC 17 years prior with a dream much like mine! After receiving the job offer, I was ecstatic! Luckily, all of my belongings were already packed up from months of bouncing around and not having room at my parents' new home to unpack all of my stuff! So, I agreed to start my new job just a week later, began searching for apartments on Craigslist, and made the 21 hour road trip to Arlington just a few days after securing my new job. I spent 21 hours wondering where I would stay once I arrived to Arlington, what life would be like, working through my nervousness and excitement, and calling almost everyone in my phone to share the exciting news with them. My DC dream was coming true and I was as bright and starry-eyed as ever! Almost 2 years later and my DC dream life has been far from perfect. I don't often use my Spanish skills, but am looking to volunteer some places where I can use Spanish as well as a 2019 goal of mine being to to start attending Spanish conversation hours at my local library. But, I have learned so much about myself and about what it takes to be successful and happy and how "the dream" can take many forms and that is TOTALLY okay!

What was your biggest obstacle/fear and what was your turning point?

My biggest obstacle was working at a place and in a role that took a big toll on my personal life. It took me some time to realize that my professional and personal lives are both important and both make me who I am and who I want to be. Once I realized that I could do anything I wanted to do (which is an absolute privilege that I often take for granted), I was happier. I have experienced loss and transition in my work life since moving to DC and am grateful to currently be in a position that is stable and where I genuinely love the work that I am doing. I made the decision to take this particular job at a moment when I received three job offers within two days. I spent some time deeply reflecting on not only my dream, but what would be healthiest for my personal and professional lives. Ultimately, I knew what I needed and that came from being very honest with myself.

How do you stay motivated and purposeful when you feel overwhelmed?

I am still working on this...lately, I try to remind myself and do activities that help me feel grounded. I know that when I feel stressed, I NEED to go to the gym or go for a walk. I know that when I am feeling down, I NEED to go to church. I know that when I feel lonely, I NEED to call my best friend (who does not live in DC), probably call my parents, and then I NEED to go out and do something in this magical city.

What's the smartest investment you’ve made for yourself?

Good kitchen tools and good shoes ---maybe this is just because I have an addiction to shopping and cute things, but the food processor has changed my life and comfortable, professional shoes are a game changer! Also, a versatile blazer, good pair of jeans for those business casual days, and simple, nice earrings are a MUST for me!

What’s MOST important to you right now?

Being an active citizen who is aware, well-informed and well-educated, proactive, kind, compassionate, and thoughtful.

Share 1-2 books you've given as gifts:

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

What have you learned to say no to?

I have come to cherish Friday nights relaxing on my couch. Caitlin two years ago wanted to go out and do something every single night. Now, I am tired! But, I also have grown to love some self-care time. So I say "no" to plans every now and then!

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