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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Bernadette Joy

RTDM: Bernadette Joy

Bernadette Joy
Founder & Professional Speaker
Charlotte, NC

We want to get to know you! Briefly tell us about yourself: Where you came from, where you've been and how you're living your dream?

Grew up in NYC and was raised to believe corporate was the only way of life. Five years ago, my husband and I moved from NYC with no jobs and no network to Charlotte, NC. In those five years, I've got my MBA, paid off $127,000 of debt, started two businesses and quit my day job.

How do you define success?

Having complete control over your time and spending it with the people you love.

What did it take to make your dream happen and when did you know you had arrived?

Getting control of my finances, changing my mindset and a lot of sacrifice.

What are you most proud of? Go ahead, boast a little!

By sharing my story, I've received lots of messages from people around the country telling me their own debt free stories and how I helped them by opening up the dialogue about this taboo topic.

What was your biggest obstacle/fear and what was your turning point?

I used to think it was failure, but I realized that I've always been afraid of people not liking me. I hid a lot of my natural abilities and personality because it wasn't "acceptable" as a female and as a minority. When I started being more transparent with people and saw that it was resonating, I realized I'd rather have a few people like my authentic self than a ton of people liking the edited version of me.

What’s the best advice you’d give to a younger you?

They mean well, but don't listen to your parents. Do what you're good at that you love and you'll find a way to make it a living.

How do you stay motivated and purposeful when you feel overwhelmed?

I'm overwhelmed every day, but luckily I'm overwhelmed by things within my control and by opportunities like growing my business and helping people. I have to remember that I'm lucky that it's things that I chose, not things that were put on me by someone else.

Tell us a time when a perceived failure was actually a blessing in disguise or served you in a surprising way.

I used to hate looking at my resume. It made me feel like I wasted my 20s. It showed a career I didn't enjoy and that I was a "job hopper." I look back now and realize all those jobs eventually led me to where I am now and that career actually serves me well in my entrepreneurial endeavors.

What is your favorite vice/guilty pleasure/strange habit? Come on now, we all have them!

I'm addicted to chocolate (seriously I have at least one piece of chocolate every day). I love/hate that I am a procrastinator and I can't sleep early. Clients have asked me if I was really up at 3am when I sent them that email.

What's the smartest investment you’ve made for yourself?

This year - a therapist! Mental health is taboo in my culture (and many cultures). I kept a lot of things to myself. I thought only really messed up people need a therapist, but actually I think everyone could benefit from one. It's helped me be more productive, get a diversity of perspective and have more empathy for others.

What’s MOST important to you right now?

Time. I hate when people say they are busy or don't have time. We all have the same 24 hours a day. I try to be as efficient with my time as possible.

Share 1-2 books you've given as gifts:

Retired Inspired by Chris Hogan

What have you learned to say no to?

Still working on this, but the "something for nothing" club. People and activities that want value from you who don't want to give you value in return, whether that be time, energy or money.

What's something most people would never guess about you?

I was a competitive handball player in high school. Most people don't even know that it's a sport :)

Who is a Risk Taker Dream Maker that's inspired you?

Sharon Torrence Jones - The Dottie Rose Foundation

Follow Bernadette:

Dressed - @dressedclt, dressedclt.com
Crush This Debt @crushthisdebt, crushthisdebt.com

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